
PhulkariSarees are a Must-Have in Every Women’s Saree Collection

Although the women in India remained behind the scenes, they continued to play an influential role in the decision-making. Women used Phulkari as an art form. It became a traditional activity with strongly integrated social aspects. These Phulkari designs became an expression of the timeless joy experienced by mothers and grandmothers at the birth of a child in the family. The ethos of Phulkari is based on love, prestige, devotion, and the power of transformation of a woman from maidenhood to marriage. Traditionally, Phulkari garments used to be a part of girls’ wedding trousseau. The motifs expressed her emotions, while the number of Phulkari pieces defined her family’s status. Phulkari:   Tracing Back To the Traditional Culture of Punjab Phulkari, translating to ‘flower work,’ involves a unique style of embroidery that owns its root in the Punjab state of the Indian subcontinent. More than a handicraft, the unique embroidery style is tied to the region's history. Both the s